TypeScript & Next.ts
TypeScript & Next.ts What is Next.js? Next.js is a production-ready framework built on top of React and Node.js. It ships with all the features listed above and more . You can use Next.js to build static and dynamic apps since it supports client and server-side rendering . Next.js v9 introduced API routes , which allow you to extend your Next app with a real backend (serverless) built with Node.js , Express.js , GraphQL , and so on. Next.js uses automatic code-splitting (lazy loading) to render only the JavaScript needed for your app. Next.js can also pre-render your pages at build time to serve on demand, which can make your app feel snappy because the browser does not have to spend time executing the JavaScript bundle to generate the HTML for your app. This makes it possible for more search engine crawlers to index your app, which is great for SEO . What is TypeScript? TypeScript is a popul...